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1. Welcome

Hello and welcome to the Feel Good Anti-Inflammatory Programme

This programme is designed to help you to massively improve the condition of your joints via replacing inflammatory foods with anti-inflammatory ones.

You also have an excellent opportunity via this programme, to find out exactly what food types are causing you to get an inflammatory response, so that you are no longer left guessing, and can make smart choices to keep your joints in great health throughout your life.

You will likely also experience weight and size reduction, though those are not the primary aim of this programme.

You only weigh in (or do a body composition test) at the start and end of this programme, not throughout, as the focus of this programme is the following:
- Better joint health (eradication of stiffness and soreness)
- Feeling younger
- Moving better
- Discovering what foods are inflammatory for you, so that you can use this knowledge to make smart choices with your nutrition long-term, to keep your joints feeling great.
- To eradicate forms of exercise that are pounding your joints.

2. Resources
Here is a list of your resources for this programme

Here you will find the files that you will need to get you feeling so much better, with your joints moving smoothly, and you moving like you did decades ago.

We're going to use the amazing Whole 30 plan to replace those inflammatory foods.

The plan is 30 days of eating foods that we evolved on, that have you feeling great and avoiding an inflammatory response.

Once the 30 days is complete, then you'll follow a careful plan of reintroduction over 10 days, to see if you get an inflammatory response (a super valuable opportunity to learn what causes your inflammation). 

The following files are free for you to download here
- How my body feels right now document (for tracking your progress) or non-scale victories document.
Whole 30 programme rules (longer version)
- Whole 30 programme rules (short version)
- Shopping list
- Notes on additives
- Notes on sugar
- What can you eat
- Food list
- Meal planning template
- Off roading

It will be a great for you to print off any materials here, and keep them in a folder, because you can always return to the information later.

Don't  have access to a printer? Let us know, and we'll get them printed off for you.

3. Record how you're feeling right now

Use either the "How My Body Feels Now" document, or the non-scale victories document (much more detailed).

You can use these again at the end of the 6 weeks to see the incredible changes that have taken place.

4. Download and print your resources

Now download all of these documents below, and keep them handy to guide you through your programme.

5. Recipes

The great thing about using the Whole30 plan is that there are so many healthy recipes available.

You will find over 400 healthy recipes covering everything from meals to mocktails, via the button below.

Use the page as a valuable resource, for finding all sorts of fantastic, inflammatory food free recipes.

6. To get you hitting the ground running we need to get your home environment set up for success.

Clearing out the highly addictive, designed in a lab to be as addictive for you as possible, foods, will help you to much better stick to this programme.

You need to take control of your home environment, clearing out those highly addictive junk foods, or they'll always be calling your name.

It will help if you can also clear out junk foods from the workplace (where possible) and even your car glove compartment or door compartments, if they have any sweets or bars in there.

7. Here's what to eat

We will need to get your nutritional intake cleaned up, eradicating inflammatory foods, and stocking up on the anti-inflammatory ones.

Your joints will feel so much better, when you make these swap outs.

Focus on eating the following foods
- Eggs
- Fish
- Meats
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Lots of vegetables from a variety of different colours
- Limited amounts of fruit
- Healthy fats from avocado, olives, seeds, nuts (not peanuts), coconut oil and olive oil.

Worst sources of inflammatory foods
- Dairy (soft spreads, milk, cheese)
- Seed oils
- Soya
- Bread
- Wraps
- Rolls
- Breakfast cereals and cereal bars
- Pasta (yep, even that 'healthy' wholewheat one)
- Biscuits
- Cakes
- Chocolate
- Peanuts (not other nuts)
- Sweets

The foods that are most likely to be inflammatory, generally fall into these categories:
- Grains containing gluten.
- Dairy
- Poor quality, processed fats aka seed oils (rapeseed, sunflower) or hydrogenated vegetable oils (check food labels)
- Grains without gluten e.g. rice
- Legumes
- Alcohol