1 Once we receive your form we review it.
Well get a look at what you've submitted.
2 We'll message you to arrange a time to call. Then we'll call you at your preferred time.
You'll receive a brief text to book you in for your call.
3 What is the call for?
In order to best determine a plan to get you to achieve your goals, we'll go through the challenges that you have just now and your goals also. If we can help you, we'll discuss the programme and we can get you started as soon as today. If not, we'll try and recommend something else for you.
4 We book you in for your first session @ Rezults
We'll get you in and doing your first session, along with supportive, friendly others to help you along the way.
5 We hold you accountable for getting rezults.
It's now our job to coach, guide and support you to achieving your goals. We are highly successful at what we do and we make sure that you know exactly what you need to do to get where you want to be. We pride ourselves on support and service so that you can have the most mind-blowing experience with us.
6 We help you become happy and feeling super confident in yourself.
You're now feeling so much better in yourself, and your favourite outfits now fit so much better.